bridgify GmbH takes part in Economic Forum „Belarus – Austria“, Vienna 2019.

Fachwissen: Augmented Reality, Internet der Dinge (IoT), Virtual Reality.

Economic Forum „Belarus – Austria“ with the participation of belarussian President Alexander Lukaschenko will be held in Vienna on Tuesday, November 12, 2019.

The key issue of the forum is economic cooperation between Austria and Belarus across many areas: Finance and Banking, Logistics, Healthcare, Information Technologies etc. The event creates a good platform for austrian and belarussian business to start or deepen cooperation.

Programm of the Forum:

bridgify GmbH works closely with Belarussian IT-Business. In Summer 2019 we officially started a new branch of activities – Outsourcing of Software Developers from Belarus. Since 2017 IT-Specialists from Belarus contribute into development and growth of our business apps and support us with Web-Design, QA and Business Analysis for different projects.

For the years of cooperation belarussian Software Developers proved to be reliable IT-Partners with deep technical competence, transparent business models, fair pricing and good English and German skills.


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